Where’s Sarah? Catch up with Sarah in New York

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Sarah’s in New York this week talking about the May 6th release of ‘Shine On’! Here’s where you can catch up with Sarah on television, online and in print the next couple days:

Upcoming Appearances with Sarah (check your local listings for times

May 6   Reddit.com AMA “Ask Me Anything” session, 10:00 AM EST

May 7   Good Morning America

May 7   The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon

May 8   The View

Latest News

The Globe and Mail: The re-education of Sarah McLachlan

Huff Post Live: Sarah McLachlan Talks Shine On Live

Canoe: Sarah McLachlan pours her heart and soul into Shine On

Music Radar: Sarah McLachlan talks guitar, piano, demoing and her new album, Shine On

She Knows: Life (and an album) at 46

Between The Lines: Sarah Shines On, Talks Kissing Girls & Being ‘Pretty Straight’

Add your Sarah sightings, news & reviews you see below!
